GigKalender - Update
To update, please compare the current version number with your current installation. According to which part of the version number has changed please make the update like explained here:- new Major Release:
Update by new installation and import of the previous data - new Minor Release:
Update by new installation and import of the previous data - new Sub Release:
Unzip the ZIP-Files over the existing installation - new Patch Level:
Unzip the ZIP-Files over the existing installation
Important: An update often overwrites the existing gigkalender.ini.php. Make a backup of this file or of the entire GigCalendar folder before you copy the update files over it. From the saved gigkalender.ini.php you can then easily take over the SQL connection and any other manually changed settings.
You can find the version number of an installed GigKalender in the back-end footer or at the top of the file changelog.txt.